Hi, I’m Ramona Russell.
Published writer, public relations, crisis communications and media strategist.
Throughout my career, I have helped people get major attention and publicity for their businesses, books, campaigns, start-ups and charitable organizations.
I, as well as my clients, have appeared in multiple national news outlets, podcasts, TV and radio shows.
If you would like to learn more about my services, please send me an email.
Professional Bio
Ramona Russell helps businesses and organizations with public relations, crisis communications and social media strategy, for which she and her clients have been featured in publications such as Forbes, Fox Business and Business Insider. She is also an advisor to police departments, sheriffs’ offices, district attorneys’ offices, cities and counties, and has written several articles and given interviews on public safety and legislation for local and national news outlets.
After obtaining her bachelor’s degree in communications and before starting her own business, she was a communications director for a start-up non-profit that provided after-school arts programs for disadvantaged children, where she garnered continuous media coverage, increased enrollment by 500 percent and landed a $100,000 construction donation. Ramona then became the marketing director for a metropolitan chamber of commerce, where she was a speechwriter and created large-scale, multimedia campaigns for several high-profile events promoting regional business.
Shortly after the loss of her 28-year-old sister, Liz, from a brutal and lengthy battle with breast cancer, Ramona created a company to honor her sister’s memory. Uptown Liz was an online marketplace that featured products from companies whose profits supported charitable endeavors. The business had over 100 press mentions, 300,000 website page views a month, thousands of dollars raised for non-profit organizations and retail products created by well-known companies in her sister’s memory.
Ramona is very proud of the war veterans in her family and believes we should leave things better than how we found them. Her favorite quote is by Winston Churchill which says, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” She is a former marathon runner, who is passionate about mental health, animal rescue and anything to do with children.
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